Wednesday, 27 August 2008

More apologies....

Sorry for the lack of blogging and visiting! We are having the bathroom replaced and everything is upside down. What should have taken 4 days, seems to have extended to nearly 3 weeks and my wireless network is still up the spout!


Becky said...

Poor Sue!! Hope it gets sorted out soon!
Love Becky xx

~Emma~ said...

Sue sorry for not being in touch is pretty $%!*& at the moment. Hope you get the bathroom finished sometime in the near future and catch up with you soon. Hugs Em.x

Cathy said...

Aww Sue, hope the bathroom is getting there. We have had real probs with our 'tinternet and now it is fixed I can't get on with my laptop - arghh!!
Hope it all gets sorted out soon.
Sending you big hugs,
Cathy xxx