Monday, 30 June 2008

To answer Emma's question & her Blog Candy

The stamps I used on my most recent card, were Craft Xtensions, little mini stamps which clip together for easy storage (I picked them up from my local craft shop). I have posted a photo for you:

However, I have since discovered The Glitter Pot do a lovely range of Rubber Stamp Tapestry, which are also cheaper!! So take a look.

Emma is also celebrating 10,000 hits with a lovely £10.00 Blog Candy voucher donated by Poppicrafts, head on over and check it out!!


~Emma~ said...

Sat here laughing my head off! Thanks so much for the tip on the stamps...will go and have a nose. Your blog is looking fab! Hugs Emma.x

Anonymous said...

These are fab stamps I would recommend them aswell xx

Anonymous said...

I have nominated you for an award on my blog xx

tracie said...

HI Sue, hope your having a lovely weekend. These stamps are gorgoeus :)x