Sunday, 20 July 2008

I have a question....

WHY is Wii Fit soooooo difficult to get hold of??? If it was Christmas....OK ...I could understand it.......but why oh why is it like trying to buy rocking horse s**t!! and as for those people selling them for double and even triple the price....don't get me started! :-[
Phew...feel a lot better for sharing my anger with you guys! ;-)


~Emma~ said...

I understand completely! Its Jakes birthday the middle of August and we are banging our heads trying to find him a sensible price! If you hear of anywhere please let me know!

ella bella said...

I know what you mean its crazy if the demand is there why dont they just make enough, we have been trying to get one for ages but the only ones we can find are the ones selling at crazy prices, we found one place but it has a 20 week waiting list :( !!!
hope you manage to get one soon
Tracy x

Moxie said...

ROFLMAO - it will probably only get worse as it gets closer to Christmas. Last year when it was just the Wii that people in the UK couldn't get hold of, a friend of mine visiting WA bought one here and took it back for her brother in law. Good luck Kylie

Jo said...

You can have mine for £500 hee! hee! Sorry I couldn't resist that one! I must have timed it right and found it on the internet a couple of months ago, however, had to wait ages to get my actual Wii so I do know what you're talking about.